During the mobility

At your arrival at the FME

One week before your arrival, you will have to send the following documents by email (to relacions.internacionals.fme@upc.edu), in pdf:

  • Erasmus Credential or certificate of your Erasmus acceptation, signed by your home university.
  • Copy of the registration or enrolment at your home University (from semester/s you will perform the mobility).
  • Copy of European Health Insurance Card, and also a copy of a private insurance with the following coverages for the whole stay: Healthcare (including diagnostic tests and surgical interventions); Accidents (compensation for permanent disability and death compensation); Repatriation of mortal remains; Civil liability. If you do not have insurance yet, the UPC has an agreement with OnCampus (https://oncampus.es/en/seguros/oncampus-estudia/) and it offers a very complete insurance for the entire stay at an affordable price.

When you arrive to our faculty next September, it is absolutely necessary to deliver the next documents at the FME Academic Office:

  • Updated and original Transcript of Records: of Bachelor, and also Master if you are a master student: original document, signed and stamped
  • OR transcript with verification code or signed by electronic valid certificate (in this case, transcripts can be sent by email one week before the arrival)
  • Insurance Responsible Statement for academic stays at UPC (original document, filled and signed by you).
Once this procedure is completed, you will meet the FME Vice Dean of International Relations in an interview. Later, you will finish your registration and enrol in FME courses.

Visit the International Mobility Office. You will get your "Welcome Pack" and get information about useful procedures. They also organise an Orientation Week for Erasmus students at the beginning of each semester.


If the duration of your stay is a full academic year (two semesters) or you plan to enhance your work experience through an internship in a company (regardless of the duration of your stay), you must start processing your NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero) at your arrival with help from the International Mobility Office.



Calendars and timetables

Virtual Campus: Atenea

Atenea is the virtual campus where you will be able to consult enrolled courses materials, messages from professors...

e-Secretaria compulsory data

You must complete your e-Secretaria data before using the online administration procedures.
  1. Fill in all the Compulsory fields in the 'My details' section.
  2. Fill in the Data Protection consent in 'My details -> RGPD Authorizations' page.
  3. Fill in the address where you will be staying during your mobility. If you don't know yet, remember to update it once you know.

Once you have completed the information you will be able to access to all of your information, including the procedure of Enrolment Modifications.



Courses modifications

Modification of enrolment

We strongly recommend that any change of courses is properly done before preparing the document of Modification of Learning Agreement. This procedure must be done through e-Secretaria.

Note that, before requesting any modifications, you must complete the information detailed in the previous section "e-Secretaria compulsory data".

Add courses

You have to request these modifications via e-Secretaria, by "Procedures -> Request -> Others". Once in this page, it is important that you select Mobility in the Scope, complete your request and submit it.

Remove courses

You have to request these modifications via e-Secretaria, by "Procedures -> Request -> Enrolment -> Remove enrolled subjects". We recommend removing as soon as possible any course you know you will not attend, in order to facilitate other students to enrol in it.

Any modification of enrolment must be properly processed within the deadline established. Check it on the mobility calendar.

Modification of Learning Agreement

Finally, you will have to fulfil and sign the document of Modification of Learning Agreement:

If you completed your Learning Agreement via Erasmus Without Papers program, you have to make the modifications on your L.A through the same portal. 



The UPC student's card

Here you will find information on this topic.



Services for students

You can check the available services for students at the Services FME website. Find further information among the selection of our most Frequently Asked Questions.


Live the FME!