Career opportunities in the mathematical field

More than 600 graduates in Mathematics in the FME

The FME was created in 1992. In 1996 the first class obtained the degree in Mathematics; with the last class, a total of more than 600 graduates in Mathematics have studied in the FME-UPC.

What do FME Mathematics graduates work in:

Below you will find data from the last available study, of February 2014, that contains updated information on the 91% of the graduates of the Faculty:

48% work in companies. The sectors that hire the most FME mathematicians are: Banking and finance (26.5%), consultancy (15,8%), informatics (15%), services, industry, engineering, insurances, biosanitary sector, etc. Among other companies, we have graduates working in: La Caixa, Banco Santander, Banc de Sabadell, Catalunya Caixa, GE Money Bank, Banesto, Societé Generale, Credit suisse, Citibank, Goldman Sachs, Lloyds Bank, European Central Bank, ABN-AMRO, Everis, Deloitte, Accenture, McKinsey, Capgemini, The Boston Consulting Group, Oliver Wyman, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco Systems, Bombardier, Indo, Vueling, Maths for More, Nestlé, Solvay, Grifols, Privalia, Almirall, Indra, Catalana Occidente, Endesa, IKEA, Allianz, Bayer, Intelligent Pharma, Novartis, Idibell, Dassault Systems, Sener, SEAT, Atrapalo, Kantar Media, France Telecom, Gemalto, Gestamp, T-Systems, etc.

If you want to check their profiles, follow the link: FME mathematicians in companies

31% do research and university teaching. A high percentage of graduates of the Faculty choose to do a PhD and work in research, either researching in mathematics or other fields where it is really important to master them (Informatics and new technologies, engineering, physics, biocience, etc.). The current situation of this collective is: 15,3% are university teachers, mostly in UPC but also in UdG, UdLL, URV, Liubliana, Berlin, Luxemburg, Purdue, New York, New Hampshire and Tokio; 44,3% are researchers in universities or research centers, mostly abroad: Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, Tilburg, París, Limoges, Bielefeld, Maryland, Texas, Max-Planck-Institut de Bonn, Hannover, Berlin, Berkeley, Zurich, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, etc. The rest are doing the PhD.

If you want to check some of their profiles, follow the link: FME mathematicians in research and university teaching

14,5% are secondary school teachers. Mostly working in public secondary schools, but also in private schools. This is a very convenient career opportunity for the graduates in mathematics. Even though until the 80's it was probably the most important one, the high pressure of the demand for mathematicians by companies in every sector made the number of graduates that choose this path has dropped a lot. As a consequence, nowadays the secondary school teachers with a degree in Mathematics are really looked for.

Out of the remaining 6,5%, the majority are still studing at a non-PhD university level (Masters, postgraduates courses and/or other Bachelor's degrees) and some have occupations not directly related with their mathematical training: theater, music, cooperation activities and help to the developing countries, diplomacy, trade, real state, etc.

Mathematics PhDs in FME:

Many of the mathematicians graduated in FME decide to follow their studies and do a PhD. According to the last available data, from Februrary 2014, almost 30% of the graduates choose this option:

114 doctors: we have information about 114 Mathematics graduates from the FME that have received a doctorate. Among these, 43 have done the thesis in an FME Applied Mathematics doctorate program; 26 in other UPC programs (Statistics and Operative Research, Information Technology, Computer Architecture, Aerospace Sciences and Technology, Acoustics, Automatics and Robotics, Signal and Communications Theory, etc.) and the rest in other universities (UB, UAB, UPF, UdG, Madrid, Granada, Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, McGill, Paris, Lausanne, Limoges, Grenoble, Utrecht, Berlin, Viena, Friburg, Trondheim, Tokio, Melbourne, etc.).

The majority of the doctoral thesis of our graduates are in Mathematics, but there are also many in informatics and IT, engineering, statistics, physics and finances

71 doctoral students: apart from those who have already finished the doctorate, an important number of graduates are currently doing a thesis: we have information of 71 graduates in this situation.