Telephones and timetables

School of Mathematics and Statistics
Address Campus Diagonal Sud, Edifici U, C/ Pau Gargallo 14, 08028 Barcelona
Telephone 34 · 93 401 58 80 (Reception)
Building timetable

Telephone 34 · 93 401 70 20
Location Floor 1
Timetable Library timetable
  • Specialized in Statistics and Mathematics information resources
  • Loan of documents of the UPC libraries and of the Catalan university libraries
  • Equipment loan (laptops, headphones, calculators, etc.)
  • Silent study spaces (reading room in the library, individual workspaces)
  • Group study spaces (group work rooms)
  • Preservation of the teaching staff's production (exams, Bachelor's thesis and Master's thesis, notes, etc.)
  • Preservation of the research production in Mathematics and Statistics (e-prints, DRAC, magazines, etc.)


Telephone 34 · 93 401 58 80
Location Floor 0 · Reception
Timetable from 8 to 21h, from Monday to Friday
  • User assistance and information
  • Mail management (internal and external), courier service
  • Control and supply of materials
  • Emergencies and immediate assistance
  • Revision of the general state of the spaces
  • Control over the access to the building and its dependencies


Academic management

Generic: 34 - 93 401 72 98

Master's pre-enrollment:   34 - 93 401 72 89

PhD:  34 - 93 401 72 89


Location Floor 0 · Administration Office
Timetable (*)

for In-person assistance an appointment is required.

The hours of in-person and telephonic assistance are from 11a.m. to 1p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and from 3.30p.m. to 5.30p.m. on Wednesdays.  More information

Summer office hours from June 1st to September 30th:  from 11a.m. to 1p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays

(*) from 1 June to 30 September, from 11 to 13 h, from Monday to Friday and in August the Office will be closed


Management of Bachelor, Master and PhD's academic records:

  • Access to the Bachelor's degree in Mathematics (transfers, simultaneity, adaptations, validation exam, change of curriculum...)
  • Access to Master and PhD (UPC Pre-enrolment application)
  • Archive, custody and follow-up of the academic records of the students
  • Scholarships and grants, discounts on the enrolmemt fees, reimbursements, specifical PhD grants...
  • Requests (place reservation, enrolment authorization, transfers, continuation of the studies...)
  • Enrolment (Bachelor, Master and PhD)
  • ECTS credit recognition, validation and adaptations
  • Degrees, certificates and other documents related to the academic record
  • Bachelor, Master and PhD's thesis




Internacional relations
Telephone 34 · 93 401 56 99
Location Floor 0 · Administration Office
Timetable (*)

for In-person assistance an appointment is required.

The hours of in-person and telephonic assistance are from 11a.m. to 1p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. More information

(*) from 1 June to 30 September, from 11 to 13 h, from Monday to Friday and in August the Office will be closed


Management of Bachelor and Master students' mobility

  • Communication and coordination with partner universities (agreements, student nominations, exchange of information and documents...)
  • Requests (stay extension, withdrawal, enrolment modifications...)
  • OUTGOING students mobility (assignment of places, pre-agreement, credential, scholarships, enrolment, evaluations, certificates...)
  • INCOMING students mobility (access, learning agreement, enrolment, evaluations, certificates...)
  • Visiting students and sporadic stays



Educational organization and labour relations
Telephone 34 · 93 401 72 89
Location Floor 0 · Administration Office
Timetable (*)

from 11 to 13 h, from Monday to Friday

from 15:30 to 17:30 h, Tueaday
(*) from 1 June to 30 September, from 11 to 13 h, from Monday to Friday and in August the Office will be closed

  • Job bank
  • Educational cooperation agreements and external practice
  • FME Forum
  • Masters R+D conferences
  • New contacts and collaborations with companies




Telephone 34 · 93 401 72 98
Location Floor 0 · Administration Office
Timetable (*)

from 11 to 13 h, from Monday to Friday

from 15:30 to 17:30 h, Tueaday
(*) from 1 June to 30 September, from 11 to 13 h, from Monday to Friday and in August the Office will be closed

  • Unfold, support and do an internal follow-up of the processes and procedures associated with the internal quality system
  • Take care of the implementation and monitoring of the planned actuations to assure quality
  • Suggest an annual planning of the internal quality system and do the monitoring
  • Prepare the annual FME report




Resources and services
Telephone 34 · 93 401 58 82
Location Floor 0 · Administration Office
Timetable (*)

from 11 to 13 h, from Monday to Friday

from 15:30 to 17:30 h, Tueaday
(*) from 1 June to 30 September, from 11 to 13 h, from Monday to Friday and in August the Office will be closed

    • Economic (budget, agreements, financial aid, projects, research), financial and patrimonial management of the center
    • Purchases and inventory
    • Documentary registration and custody
    • Logistic support to the building's action plans
    • Control of the access to the building
    • Modification and control of the spaces
    • Classrooms, rooms and equipment reservations




    ICT services
    Telephone 34 · 93 401 70 46
    Location Floor 0 · Offices 213 and 224

    Monday to Friday, from 9 h to 14 h

    Tuesday to Friday, from 15 h to 17:30 h


    • Teaching, research and management support
    • Development of applications
    • Websites and intranets
    • Infrastructure: web, servers, equipment, printing, wifi, back-up copies, high availability, multimedia
    • IT security



    Management support
    Telephone 34 · 93 401 73 01
    Location Floor 0 · Office of the Dean
    Timetable (*)

    from 9 to 14 h, from Monday to Friday

    from 15:30 to 17h, Tueaday
    (*) from 1 June to 30 September, from 9 to 14 h, from Monday to Friday and in August the Office will be closed
