
Workshop "Where science meet business: QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey.


En el marc de l'assignatura "Models Matemàtics de la Tecnologia", el 25 d'octubre de 8 a 10 h tindrà lloc aquest workshop obert a tot l'estudiantat de l'FME.

On October 25th McKinsey will offer us a workshop entitled:

Where science meet business: QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey.

Time: 8-10 AM
Room: 005
This workshop is part of the workshops offered within the course Mathematical Models of Technology. All students from this course must attend, but it is open to any other student from FME. All attendees must bring their own laptop. See more information in the attached file.
All the people attending the workshop will be invited to a networking session with free breakfast from 10:00 to 10:30 at Room R. During this breakfast, we will have the chance to chat informally with the people from the company.