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- Current Index of Statistics: base de dades bibliogràfica en línia publicada per l’Institut d’Estadística Matemàtica i l’American Statistical Association que conté dades bibliogràfiques d’articles en estadístiques, probabilitats i camps relacionats. A partir del 2019 s'allotja als servidors de MathScinet.
Recull de publicacions de Florence Nightingale al Current Index of Statistics (accés a biblioteca digital UPC)
- MathSciNet: base de dades bibliogràfica en línia creada per l'American Mathematical Society el 1996. Recull tots els continguts de la revista Mathematical Reviews des del 1940.
Recull de publicacions de Florence Nightingale al MathSciNet (accés a biblioteca digital UPC)
- Zentralblatt MATH: base de dades bibliogràfica en línia que depèn de la Societat Europea de Matemàtiques. Classifica, ressenya i arxiva les publicacions en matemàtica pura i aplicada.
Recull de publicacions de Florence Nightingale al Zentralblatt MATH (sense accés a la UPC)
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Biblioteca Digital UPC
Recull d'articles en text complert disponibles a la Biblioteca Digital de la UPC relacionats amb temes matemàtics i estadístics de la Florence Nightingale.
Dades bibliogràfiques |
Author Andrews, R.J. Title Let there be light: A tribute to Florence Nightingale Publication Significance. (Significance, 1 April 2020, 17(2):16-17)
Author Arriagada S., Jaime Title Florence Nightingale con el Gráfico de la Rosa Publication Tema central: Enfermeria, Revista Médica Clínica Las Condes May-June 2018 29(3):380-380
Author Beyersmann, J.; Schrade, C. Title Florence Nightingale, William Farr and competing risks Publication Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society. (Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 1 January 2017, 180(1):285-293)
Author Borja, Mario Cortina Title The importance of being Florence. Publication Significance; Apr2020, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p6-7, 2p
Author Buyske, Steven G. Title Famous nonmathematicians. Publication American Mathematical Monthly. Nov93, Vol. 100 Issue 9, p845. 3p.
Author Dirksen, Charles J.;Marsh, Charles J. Title Probability theory for statistical methods Publication Journal of Marketing. Jan1951, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p376-377. 2p.
Author Farebrother, Richard William Title A genealogy of Florence Nightingale, Charles Darwin, Francis Galton and Francis Ysidro Edgeworth with special reference to their Italian connections and an annexe on Beatrice Webb and Charles Booth Publication Statistical Methods and Applications, Vol 27(2), Jun, 2018. pp. 363-364.
Author Gallagher, Ann Title Learning from Florence Nightingale: A slow ethics approach to nursing during the pandemic Publication Nursing Inquiry; jul 2020, 27 3, 3p.
Author Gupta, Sujata Title Florence Nightingale saved lives through data. Publication Science News. 5/9/2020, Vol. 197 Issue 9, p42-43. 2p.
Author Hedley, A. Title Florence Nightingale and Victorian data visualisation Publication Significance. (Significance, 1 April 2020, 17(2):26-30)
Author Kirby, Joanna A; McKeon-Carter, Roisin b Title Family integrated care; A Florence Nightingale Foundation scholarship and international journey of discovery for improvement in neonatal care. A review of services Publication Journal of Neonatal Nursing October 2018 24(5):253-256
Author McDonald, Lynn Title Florence Nightingale, statistics and the Crimean War Publication Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society). 177(3):569-586
Author McEnroe, Natasha Title Celebrating Florence Nightingale's bicentenary Publication The Lancet Volume: 395 Issue 10235 (2020) ISSN: 0140-6736 Online ISSN: 1474-547X
Author Mott, Sandra Title Personal reflective thoughts about Florence Nightingale Publication Journal of Pediatric Nursing (2020) ISSN: 0882-5963 Online ISSN: 1532-8449
Author Spiegelhalter, D. J. Title Surgical audit: statistical lessons from Nightingale and Codman. Publication Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society); Apr99, Vol. 162 Issue 1, p45, 14p
Author Tunstall, S.L. Title Historical perspective—weaving the lives of Florence Nightingale and Florence Nightingale David into the statistics classroom Publication Teaching Statistics. (Teaching Statistics, Autumn (Fall) 2016, 38(3):83-86)
Author Tye, Joe Title Florence Nightingale’s Lasting Legacy for Health Care Publication In Nurse Leader June 2020 18(3):220-226
Author Ulrich, B. Title Year of the Nurse: Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Florence Nightingale Publication Nephrology nursing journal : journal of the American Nephrology Nurses' Association. (Nephrology nursing journal : journal of the American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 1 March 2020, 47(2):109-111)
Novetats sobre Florence Nightingale i al hashtag #Nightingale2020