
Double degree in Mathematics and Music UPC-ESMUC

The only degree joint degree in Mathematics and Music in Catalonia. Information and registration form below.


Why this double degree?

Throughout the almost 30 years of existence of the FME, we have detected a lot of mathematics students with a musical vocation that have undergone professional music studies. When they get to university, they have to choose between mathematics and music. Some study both, but it takes them more years given the lack of an adapted study plan. This double degree has the purpose of solving this problem.


Why the FME and the ESMUC?

Because both centers have a reputation of quality, high level and academic rigorousness that attract the best students of each study. The mathematical studies in the Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics have been renowned with excellence by the AQU Catalunya.

Download the leaflet vENG

Who is it aimed at?

Students with high capabilities both in mathematics and music.

Where is it imparted?

The mathematics courses will be taught at the Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics (FME) of the UPC (Pau Gargallo, 14, 08028 Barcelona) and the music ones in the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC) (C/Padilla, 155 (Edifici L’Auditori), 08013 Barcelona).

Admission conditions:

  • Bachelor's degree in Mathematics cut-off mark.
  • Passing the ESMUC admission test.
  • Passing a specific mathematics test. Registration form (in catalan)
  • An admission comission will choose the best candidates based on the three results.

Study plan


  • Enrollment management in both centres.
  • Automatic validation of courses.

More information and contact


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