Information for enterprises

The FME promotes different activities to foster technology transfer and collaboration between universities and enterprises, through educational cooperation and through research. Particularly, the research groups in mathematics and statistics at the UPC have a long tradition in cooperating with the enterprise world.

The FME provides a platform for the establishment, monitoring and administrative support of cooperation agreements between university and enterprise in the area of mathematics and statistics. There are different collaboration options, for example:
  • Carrying out of final degree projects and master theses (six months work). The projects, codirected, are on topics of interest for enterprises, institutions or research centers.
  • Carrying out of codirected doctoral theses (2-4 year research work). 
  • Establishment of collaboration agreements between research groups and enterprises to develop innovation and research projects.
  • Educational cooperation agreements (work placement in enterprises for students who are in the last years)

On the other hand, the FME organizes different activities to bring together the university community (including students and research groups) and enterprises, like the FME Forum (april) or the GEMT (Study groups of mathematics and technology). 

The FME also has a job mart where enterprises can publish their job offers.  
To get more information about the collaboration processes or the activities organized at the FME contact: