"Network Geometry", a càrrec de la professora M. Ángeles Serrano (UB-ICREA)
Conferència en el marc del cicle Col·loqui FME-UPC.
- https://fme.upc.edu/ca/recerca/col-loqui-fme-upc/Conferencia%20M%20Angeles%20Serrano%20UB-ICREA
- "Network Geometry", a càrrec de la professora M. Ángeles Serrano (UB-ICREA)
- 2018-11-28T12:00:00+01:00
- 2018-11-28T14:00:00+01:00
- Conferència en el marc del cicle Col·loqui FME-UPC.
28/11/2018 de 12:00 a 14:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)
Sala d'actes de la FME
"Network Geometry", a càrrec de la professora M. Ángeles Serrano (UB-ICREA)
Dimecres 28 de novembre de 2018 a les 12 h a la sala d'actes de l'FME. Activitat oberta a tota la comunitat matemàtica. The talk will be accesible to a general audience.
Networks are critical to understand human nature ---from genome to brain and society--- and our environment ---the Internet, food webs, international trade... ---, and are changing the way in which we model and predict complex systems in many different disciplines. Surprisingly, all complex networks talk a common language, regardless of their origin, and are imprinted with universal features. They are small-world, strongly clustered and hierarchical, modular, robust yet fragile, and may exhibit unexpected responses like cascades and other critical and extreme events.
Interestingly, real-world scale-free networks are self-similar when observed at the different resolutions unfolded by geometric renormalization, a property that might find its origin in an evolutionary drive. Practical applications of the geometric renormalization group for networks include high-fidelity downscaled network replicas, a multiscale navigation protocol in hyperbolic space that takes advantage of the increased navigation efficiency at higher scales, and many others.
El Col·loqui FME - UPC és una iniciativa conjunta de la Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (FME), el Departament de Matemàtiques (MAT), el Departament d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa (EIO), el Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental (DECA) i el Departament de Ciències de la Computació (CS).