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School of Mathematics and Statistics of the UPC

The School of Mathematics and Statistics is one of the schools of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC). It is located on the South-Diagonal Campus.

It's a school where professors and students know each other individually. Study rooms and School's own library are ideal places for group work and personal study. The students of the FME care about the quality of their training, and they participate  in some academic decisions. Life in the FME is not confined to the study, but is also rich in cultural activities, sports, and entertainment: concerts, competitions, theatre plays, lectures, festivals, excursions, travel, ...

The School participates in student exchanges through several mobility programs such as the LLP-Erasmus or Sicue Seneca. These exchanges are with universities in fifteen different countries thanks to more than fifty bilateral agreements that the FME has established. Almost 25% of graduates at FME spent at least one semester abroad and every year about twenty foreign students come to study at the Faculty.

Studies on Mathematics
During its18 years of existence the studies on mathematics of the FME have acquired a reputation for excellence, high level, quality and academic standards. These are the studies on mathematics chosen by the students with better high school academic records: the only ones in Spain with a demand much higher than the number of places offered. They are also the favourite choice of the students admitted to the excellence program of double degrees managed by the CFIS at the UPC.

After being adapted to the EHEA, the official studies currently offered by the FME are: the Degree in Mathematics (240 ECTS, 4 years), the Master's degree in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering (60 ECTS, 1 year, in English) and the Doctorate Program in Applied Mathematics. 

Graduates in mathematics at the FME are well known and highly appreciated in various sectors. Their main professional occupations are: research and university teaching, banking and finance, insurance and services, high school teaching, industry, consulting and administration, information technology industry, biosanitary companies, etc.
Studies on Statistics

In coincidence with the adaptation of the EHEA, the UPC and the UB decided to agree on a joint organization of the bachelor degree and the master's degree in statistics. This option allows the students to benefit from the different expertises of the various departments of the two universities on statistics and its applications: computer science, information technologies and operations research at the UPC, economy, social sciences and biostatistics at the UB.

The two interuniversity degrees currently offered are: the Bachelor's degree in Statistics (240 ECTS, 4 years), taught the first two years at the Faculty of Economics and Business at UB and the last two to FME and the Master's degree in Statistics and Operations Research (120 ECTS, 2 years), which has a strong professional orientation. The UPC also runs a PhD program in Statistics and Operations Research, which is organized and managed by the EIO department.

The statistic science is needed in many areas: public administration, services, insurance, quality control, engineering, technology, biology, medicine, pharmacy, ... Promotions of graduates in statistics, at all levels, are never sufficient to cover the needs of specialists by companies and institutions. The main occupations of the statistical FME graduates are: services, industry, biosanitary sector, banking and finance, research and teaching university, computer science, marketing, consulting, etc..