
Career Opportunities in Biostatistics and Statistical Consulting/Collaboration en el marc del MESIO UPC-UB

Xerrada a càrrec del Prof. KYUNGMANN KIM (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


15/10/2015 de 16:30 a 17:30 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Aula 004 FME

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari



Career Opportunities in Biostatistics and Statistical Consulting/Collaboration


 KyungMann Kim


University of Wisconsin-Madison


 Because the US has a post-industrialized, service-oriented economy, health care and research has become a very important component of academia and industry as well as government-driven research and service.  Biostatistics plays a critical role as research methodology in many areas of biomedical research.  In this presentation, I will describe career opportunities in biostatistics and share my own experience in statistical consulting and collaboration.