
Nou Col·loqui IMTech ""Artificial intelligences and mathematics" a càrrec del professor Sebastià Xambó


Serà el 9 de novembre ales 12h15 a la sala d'actes de l'FME.

Nou Col·loqui IMTech ""Artificial intelligences and mathematics" a càrrec del professor Sebastià Xambó

Summary:  The aim of this talk is to overview various forms of algorithmic learning (mostly those based on artificial neural networks), their current achievements, their mathematical underpinnings, and their likely trends in the next few years. The deep tensions inherent to polarities such as brain-mind, biological-artificial, scientific-industrial, academic-corporative, and their inevitable impact on the understanding of human nature and society, will be considered.  In the last part, we will present some of the ideas that seem more promising to move significantly closer to effective models of intelligence and the roles that mathematics may play in this evolution.

Note: Slides will be in English and the oration in Catalan.

Més informació al web IMTech.