
Nou col·loqui de l'IMTech: "Chaotic and random dynamical systems" a càrrec de Lai-Sang Young (NYU)


Serà el 24 de novembre a les 15 h en format en línia.

IMTech Colloquium by Lai-Sang Young (NYU) on November 24, 3pm (online)

The speaker of the IMTech Colloquium will be Lai-Sang Young (NYU), a leading figure in dynamical systems theory and applications.

Lai-Sang Young (NYU) will speak at the IMTECH Colloquium on Wednesday, November 24 at 3pm (online)

Title: Chaotic and random dynamical systems

Henry & Lucy Moses Professor of Science
Professor of Mathematics and Neural Science

Courant Institute of Mathematical SciencesNew York University

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