
La BGSMath organitza els "Graduate Courses" pel curs 2015-16


La Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics és una iniciativa d'investigació matematica col·laborativa de la Universitat de Barcelona, la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Centre de Recerca Matemàtica.

The Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics offers the following Graduate Courses for the Academic Year 2015-16:

Fall Term (starting on October 5, 2015)
* Algorithmic group theory
  Pep Burillo (UPC) and Enric Ventura (UPC)
* Mathematical Logic and Linguistics
  Glyn Morrill (UPC) and Oriol Valentin (UPC)

Spring Term (starting on February 22, 2016)
* A primer on K-theory and its applications
  Ramon antoine (UAB), Pere Ara (UAB), Natàlia Castellana (UAB), Pere Pascual (UPC) and Francesc Perera (UAB)
* Symplectic Techniques in Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Physics
  Amadeu Delshams (UPC), Eva Miranda (UPC) and Ignasi Mundet (UB)

Registration is now open.

Please see further details of the courses and registration procedure