
Es reprenen els seminaris SIMBA (Seminari Informal de Matemàtiques de Barcelona)


Es tracta de seminaris bisetmanals matemàtics adreçats a estudiantat de grau, màster i doctorat, organitzats per graduats i graduades sota l'aixopluc de les tres universitats de Barcelona (UAB, UB i UPC), el CRM, la IMUB i la BGSMath.

Es reprenen els seminaris SIMBA (Seminari Informal de Matemàtiques de Barcelona)

On the Wednesday 7th of October, the SIMBa seminar (Seminari Informal de Matemàtiques de Barcelona) is back in a virtual format and it will be organized by students of the UB, UAB and UPC with support of the BGSMath. 
SIMBa is a youth mathematics seminar organized by graduate students of the Barcelona area. Our goals are divulging the knowledge from different branches of mathematics for those interested and promote networking between the attendants, more so in these difficult times. We also encourage the participants to be speakers and give a short talk. In this community we offer social interaction that is harder to find under the current circumstances.
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