Workshop "Bayesian Methodologies for AB Testing", per l'empresa Socialpoint.
En el marc de l'assignatura "Models Matemàtics de la Tecnologia", el 9 de novembre de 8 a 10 h tindrà lloc aquest workshop obert a tot l'estudiantat de l'FME.
Workshop "Bayesian Methodologies for AB Testing" a càrrec de l'empresa Socialpoint
A banda dels estudiants de l'assignatura MMT, qualsevol altre estudiant de l'FME pot assistir-hi.
El workshop tindrà lloc a l'aula 002.
Testing the impact of new features or balancing of existing features is a key component in Product Development in Mobile Games. A/B Testing techniques allow teams to test product changes with a reliable control factor. A/B Testing analysis methods typically use the so-called Frequentist approach to assess differences between test groups. Nonetheless, the results from this approach lack the interpretability that business teams require for decision-making. We are going to present a new approach to A/B Testing analysis, based on the Bayesian approach which offers more business-related metrics for assessing risks and opportunities in decision-making policies.