
1r Monday Night Beer & Statistics de l’FME


Activitat emmarcada dins de les accions #CursBoxFME: a les sales Q i R explorarem la interacció entre l'estadística i la cervesa i farem un concurs.

Seguint una tradició que va començar George Box amb molt d’èxit a la University of Wisconsin, us convidem al primer Monday Night Beer & Statistics de l’FME.

El 19 de febrer, a les 19.00, a les sales Q i R explorarem la interacció entre l'estadística i la cervesa i farem un concurs per equips on haureu d’experimentar amb la cervesa (que després podreu beure).

Esteu tots convidats! Apunteu-vos per equips d’entre 3 i 5 persones. L’únic requisit és ser estudiant de l’FME. Hi haurà premis!!!

Formulari de participació (tancat): places exhaurides


Referències sobre les “Monday night beer session” i George Box:

Early on it seemed to me that students were learning a great deal about statistical theory but very little about how to use it. So I instituted what came to be called the “Monday night beer session”. This was not an official course. It happened in my house and there were no course requirements or grades or anything. You came if you felt like it. Students and faculty were welcomed from all departments. So we had graduate students and often faculty from Statistics, Engineering, and the Business and Medical schools, among others. We also had talent scouts looking for people who had problems they wanted to discuss. Typically in 20 minutes or so the problem was presented and then there was a general discussion about how it might be solved. Decades afterwards, from onetime graduates, I continually hear “the thing I remember best and most helpful was the Monday night beer session”. I believe people learned how to solve problems there.
Referència: article a revista Significance.
Wasserstein, Ron. "George Box: A model statistician." Significance 7.3 (2010): 134-135.


Best known on campus were the Monday night beer and statistics sessions Box hosted at his home for students and other researchers. The gatherings sparked lively discussions about how statistics could help solve research problems posed by speakers from a wide range of disciplines.
“Sometimes it would just be a good time, but other times it generated new research directions,” says Yandell. Former students have credited the sessions with teaching them as much or more than their classes.
Referència: pàgina web a la universitat de Wisconsin
Renowned Statistician George Box Dies at 93. Accessed 7 Feb. 2024.


En aquest post del blog de JMP arrel de la mort de George Box escriuen en els comentaris molts estudiants seus que recorden el Monday Beer & Statistics.