L'Espai Kolmogórov és un espai virtual per exposar llibres, tant en paper com en format electrònic, referents a l'Andrei Kolmogórov. Per accedir als continguts electrònics cal tenir instal·lat el "Botó eBIB" al navegador. Més informació.
Documents a les biblioteques de la UPC (disponibles en préstec)
Documents en format electrònic amb accés a la UPC
Aleksandrov AD. La Matemática : su contenido, métodos y significado / A.D. Aleksandrov ... [et al.] ; versión española de Andrés Ruiz Merino. Madrid: Alianza; 1974. |
Chern S-S, Hirzebruch F. Wolf prize in mathematics / edited by S. S. Chern, F. Hirzebruch. Singapore [etc: World Scientific; 2000.
Da Prato G. Kolmogorov equations for stochastic PDEs / Giuseppe Da Prato. Basel [etc: Birkhäuser Verlag; 2004.
Dumas HS. The Kam story : a friendly introduction to the content, history, and significance of classical Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theory / H Scott Dumas. Hackensack [etc: World Scientific; 2014.
Frisch U, Kolmogorov AN. Turbulence : the legacy of A.N. Kolmogorov / Uriel Frisch. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 1995.
Gnedenko BV (Boris V, Kolmogorov AN. Limit distributions for sums of independent random variables / by B.V. Gnedenko and A.N. Kolmogorov ; translated from the Russian, annotated, and rev. by K.L. Chung ; with appendices by J.L. Doob and P.L. Hsu. Cambridge (Mass.): Addison-Wesley; 1954.
Gowers T, Barrow-Green J, Leader I. The Princeton companion to mathematics editor, Timothy Gowers ; associate editors, June Barrow-Green, Imre Leader. Core Textbook. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2008.
Kolmogorov AN, Fomin SV. Elementos de la teoría de funciones y del análisis funcional / A.N. Kolmogorov, S.V. Fomin ; traducido del ruso por Carlos Vega. 3a ed. Moscú: Mir; 1978.
Kolmogorov AN, IUshkevich AP, Cooke R. Mathematics of the 19th century : geometry, analytic, function, theory / edited by A.N. Kolmogorov, A.P. Yushkevich, translated from the Russian by Roger Cooke. Basel [etc: Birkhäuser; 1996
Kolmogorov AN. Foundations of the theory of probability / translation edited by Nathan Morrison ; with an added bibliography by A.T. Bharucha-Reid. 2d English ed. New York: Chelsea Pub. Co.; 1956. |
Kolmogorov AN. Selected works of A. N. Kolmogorov. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1991. |
Kolmogorov in perspective / [editorial board, American Mathematical Society, London Mathematical Society ; translated from the Russian by Harold H. McFaden]. Providence: American Mathematical Society; 2000. |
Krylov NV, Röckner M, Zabczyk J, Da Prato G. Stochastic PDE’s and Kolmogorov Equations in Infinite Dimensions Lectures given at the 2nd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.)held in Cetraro, Italy, August 24 - September 1, 1998 / by N.V. Krylov, M. Röckner, J. Zabczyk ; edited by G. Da Prato. 1st ed. 1999. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 1999. |
Li M, Vitányi PMB. An Introduction to Kolmogorov complexity and its applications / Ming Li, Paul Vitányi. New York [etc: Springer-Verlag; 1993. |
Pardo LM, Montaña JL. On Kolmogorov complexity in the real Turing machine setting / Luis M. Pardo, J.L. Montaña. Santander: Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de Cantabria; 1998. |
Sánchez Fernández C, Valdés Castro C. Kolmogórov : el zar del azar / Carlos Sánchez Fernández, Concepción Valdés Castro. Tres Cantos: Nivola; 2003. |
Van Heijenoort J. From Frege to Gödel : a source book in mathematical logic : 1979-1931 / Jean van Heijenoort. Cambridge, Mass. [etc: Harvard University Press; 1981. |
Watanabe O. Kolmogorov complexity and computational complexity / Osamu Watanabe (Ed.). Berlin [etc: Springer-Verlag; 1992. |
Balcázar Navarro JL, Buhrman Canal H. Characterizing the learnability of Kolmogorov easy circuit expressions. Report de recerca, UPC, Departament de Ciències de la Computació 1996.
Bartocci C, Williams K. Mathematical lives protagonists of the twentieth century from Hilbert to Wiles / Claudio Bartocci ... [et al.], editors ; translated by Kim Williams. Vite matematiche. Heidelberg: Springer; 2011.
Charpentier É, Lesne A, Nikol’skij NK. Kolmogorov’s heritage in mathematics edited by Éric Charpentier, Annick Lesne, Nikolaï K. Nikolski. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2007.
Gavaldà Mestre R, Torenvliet L, Watanabe O, Balcázar Navarro JL. Generalized Kolmogorov complexity in relativized separations. Treball final de grau, UPC, Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona, 1990.
Geurts B, Clercx H, Uijttewaal W. Particle-Laden Flow From Geophysical to Kolmogorov Scales. Edited by Bernard Geurts, Herman Clercx, Wim Uijttewaal. 1st ed. 2007. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands; 2007.
Green, Frederic, Torán Romero, Jacobo, Kolmogorov complexity of #P functions / Frederic Green, Jacobo Torán. E-prints, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics.
Krylov NV, Röckner M, Zabczyk J, Da Prato G. Stochastic PDE’s and Kolmogorov Equations in Infinite Dimensions Lectures given at the 2nd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.)held in Cetraro, Italy, August 24 - September 1, 1998 / by N.V. Krylov, M. Röckner, J. Zabczyk ; edited by G. Da Prato. 1st ed. 1999. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 1999.
Teschke O, Wegner B, Werner D. 80 Years of Zentralblatt MATH 80 Footprints of Distinguished Mathematicians in Zentralblatt / herausgegeben von Olaf Teschke, Bernd Wegner, Dirk Werner. 1st ed. 2011. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2011.
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