
Comments from Former Students

Maria Victoria Moneta

Institution/Company current job: Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo del Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu

Charge: Research assistant

Year of completion of the Master: 2011

Degree for admission to master: Llicenciatura en estadística

After completing my career (in Argentina) I had in my plans to continue studying. Afterwards several years of experience working, I realized that I wanted to do a master because it would to learn new statistical methodologies and deepen others.

The Master of the UPC met my expectations, because I updated on statistical issues that I had studied many years ago and I learnt new knowledge. You can choose the subjects to do, and it was good for me because I can chose subjects with a special interest and others necessary from a theoretical and professional aspect.

I really liked it, I think it was a great experience!


Moisés Gómez Mateu

Marti Casals

Institution/Company current job: Universtitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Charge: Personal de Suport a la Recerca (PSR-PAS)

Year of completion of the Master: 2010

Degree for admission to master: Llicenciatura en Ciències i Tècniques de Mercat, Diplomatura en Estadística (UB)

Doctorate Program: Estadística i Investigació Operativa (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

When I finished my bachelor’s degree and after getting about three years of experience as a quantitative analyst in a consultancy, I had the motivation of continuing my professional career from different point of views. Then, I found a new Master in Statistics in the UPC that offered me the possibility of making this project came true.

I have learnt new knowledge in a practical way and also with a rigorous methodology to be able to apply it in a real world scientific frame that changes very fast, and where institutions need rigorous results.

I was surprised by the quality of the notes in some subjects and the dedication of the professors who did they best in order that the students learnt as much as possible. Practical cases development is taken into account and always with an adequate level of theory. Moreover, I remember organized meetings with companies and institutions that help you to find a job. And you also have a labour exchange service.

In my case, thanks to that employment service I am currently working in the UPC Statistics Department that allows me to do my PhD in parallel. And I know that other partners of mine have achieved a job using that service.

Sincerely, I encourage everybody to get information about the different kind of the Master specialities and, as in my case, don’t pass up this opportunity of increasing your knowledge and professional career.

I’m so happy about my decision!


Jorge Leiva Olmos

Institution/Company current job: Hospital Dr. Gustavo Fricke. Viña del Mar- Chile

Charge: Jefe de la Sección de Orientación Médico Esatístico

Year of completion of the Master: 2011

Degree for admission to Master: Estadística

Doctorate Program egree for admission to Master: Estadística i Investigació Operativa (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

Mi motivación de ingresar al màster fué integrarme al doctorado. El màster me aporto conocimientos en tópicos de estadísticas que no conocía (por ejemplo, bioinformàtica ó Programación estocástica) y consolidar otros (bioestadística, R, SAS, etc). Fue muy buena experiència como paso prevío al Doctorado.



Jordi Cortés Martínez

Marti Casals

Institution/Company current job: Universtitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Charge: Reseracher

Year of completion of the Master: 2011

Degree for admission to master: Diplomat en Estadística

Em vaig inscriure per complementar la meva formació en Estadística de la diplomatura i per poder optar a una millor sortida professional. L'oferta formativa és molt ampli i variada donat a l'alumne l'oportunitat d'escollir les asignatures que més s'adapten al seu perfil. En el meu cas, vaig esplacialitzar-me en bioestadística i vaig escollir les matèries, per mi, més motivadores dins d'aquesta branca. Al finalitzar els estudis, a més de disposar d'una borsa de treball, lalumne ha esablert molts contactes durant la carrera (altres alumnes, professors, companys de feina en contractes de pràctiques...) que poden ajudar o assessorar en la incorporació al mercat laboral. L'únic inconvenient que ressaltaria del màster és que és força complicat, peró no impossible (jo mateix ho he fet), compaginar els estudis amb feina.


Carles Forné Izquierdo

Institution/Company current job: Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida. University of Lleida

Charge: Senior Technician - Junior Researcher

Year of completion of the Master: 2011

Degree for admission to master: Bachelor of Arts degree in Statistical Sciences and Techniques

I was admitted into the Master of Statistics and Operations Research while studying the Bachelor degree in Statistical Sciences and Techniques. Previously, I had completed the first cycle of the Bachelor degree in Mathematics. During my Master studies I got a general idea of how statistics can help answer questions that arise in such diverse disciplines such as economics, marketing, public health, actuarial science, etc.

Thanks to the Master studies, and using the school jobs board, I found a job at the Biomedical Research Institute in Lleida. In my workplace, together with my colleagues I can apply the solid foundation of knowledge acquired in the Master Program and also I can go deeper into certain subjects (such as longitudinal data analysis, epidemiology, survival analysis, among others). I have also had the opportunity to teach statistics to medical students at the University of Lleida. University teaching is a great experience. Although I am not currently enrolled in a doctoral program, I think I will end up doing one. I know it will be hard, but I think it's worth the effort and I am sure that it will be as enriching as the Master’s study.

In short, I am very happy with my current situation, both personal and laboral.


Martí Casals Toquero

Marti Casals

Institution/Company current job: Agència de Salut Publica de Barcelona

Charge: Bioestadistìc al servei d'epidemiologia

Year of completion of the Master: 2009

Degree for admission to Master: Diplomat en Estadística i Llicenciat en Ciències Actuarials i Financeres

Doctorate Program: Mètodes Estadistics en Recerca Biomèdica (Universitat de Barcelona)

I applied to do this master to improve some statistical knowledge which is necessary to update and to put into practice in the bussiness world. This master gives more autonomy to make decisions, will to innovate, and above all it allows you to achieve more work experience. In addition, one of its main advantages is the range of specializations offered by professional from two universities.


Daniel Baena Mirabete

Daniel Baena

Institution/Company current job: Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB)

Charge: Departament Informàtica. Dedicat a la Planificació, Programació i Assignació de Serveis i/o Recursos

Year of completion of the Master: 2007

Degree for admission to Master: Enginyeria Informàtica / Llicenciatura en Ciències i Tècniques Estadístiques

Doctorate Program: Estadística i Investigació Operativa (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

The Masters in Statistics and Operations Research allowed me to enlarge my knowledge and skills in Statistics and Operations Research. In my opinion, the Master MEIO has a very practical approach, that is very positive in order to face future professional challenges. The MEIO gave me the opportunity to face a new challenge in an interesting academic doctoral program.

About workplace, the achievement of the Master give many opportunity. The range of job offers increase considerably.


Marina Vives Mestres

Marina Vives

Institution/Company current job: Universitat de Girona

Charge: Professora associada a temps parcial

Year of completion of the Master: 2011

Degree for admission to master: Enginyeria Industrial

Doctorate Program: Programa de Doctorat en Tecnologia. Estadística i anàlisi de dades en la línia d’ Anàlisi de dades composicionals.

I enrolled in the Masters after taking a degree in quality and make the final project in this area. It was a suggestion of my teachers and I accepted without regret: it was clear that if I wanted to devote myself to the world of quality, I needed a deeper training in statistics.

The main advantage of the Masters is that all subjects are optional allowing customizing the studies. The offer is very varied. It offers the opportunity to test subjects of different specialties that may be of interest to the profile you're looking for.

An excellent exercise was the final master project which has a very important role in the formative stage. Master’s students have facilities to develop the final project in companies or research groups. Applying acquired knowledge to a real problem is a very enriching experience.

After completing the master and through the Borsa de treball, I had the opportunity to work at the University of Girona as associate professor. I started my PhD in the research group in compositional data (CODA_RSS). This group works in the treatment, analysis and development of techniques for this type of data. In the group I work adapting control charts to compositional data.


Susana Pérez Álvarez

Susana Pérez

Institution/Company current job: Fundació IrsiCaixa

Charge: Investigadora Junior

Year of completion of the Master: 2010

Degree for admission to master: Enginyeria Tècnica Informàtica de Gestió

I did my final project fin Computer Science in collaboration with the research group on survival analysis of the Department of Statistics and Operations Research of UPC. After my degree, I realized that I liked to deep into the database looking for not trivial information, but I hadn’t enought knowledge of statistics.

So I decided to start a Master in order to acquire a higher education level on statistics. I choose this because I already knew the faculty, a parto f the teaching staff and I did like it.

When I started the Master I was working full time for two years and I combined both activities. When I started to do the Final Master I decided to do it in a foreign country and when I returned, while finishing the last course and working, I started my current job with a grant from the faculty.

I got a specialization in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics and now I’m working in Retrovirology Laboratory of the Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol in Badalona. In my workday I collaborate mainly with biologists and physicians.

Globally, I am very happy to have done the Master MEIO.
